Map Network Drive in Linux

Are you wondering how to do a Map Network Drive in Linux?

It’s called “mount”ing in Linux. There’s a command called mount in linux that helps you maps a network drive to your machine.

if the server you need to mount is also a linux server. try this command

mount -t cifs -o username=UsernameHere,password='PasswordHere' //server-name or ip/Path /your/directory/in/current/dir/

“/your/directory/in/current/dir/” – can be an ln or a directory and has to be present, this is called the mount point on your current server

Refer to the mount.cifs manual page for more info ( man mount.cifs )


Vanilla Forum 2.1 Nginx Configuration

Are you already loosing you hair trying to configure your vanilla forum url-rewrite on NGINX?

If your forum is installed on a main domain not a subdomain I might have the solution for you. here’s what got, please let me know if it works for you…

server {
    listen       80;
    root   /usr/share/nginx/youvanilladirectory/;
    #access_log /usr/share/nginx/youvanilladirectory/access.log;
    access_log off;
    #error_log /usr/share/nginx/youvanilladirectory/error.log;
    error_log off;
    index  index.php index.html index.htm;
    #Root location
    location ^~ /discussion/download/ { rewrite ^/(.+)$ /index.php?p=$1 last;}
    location ^~ /utility/thumbnail/ { rewrite ^/(.+)$ /index.php?p=$1 last;}
    location / {
        try_files $uri $uri/ @forum;
    # Rewrite to prettify the URL and hide the ugly PHP stuff
    # Start with this commented out until you configure it in Vanilla!
    location @forum {
        rewrite ^/(.+)$ /index.php?p=$1 last;
    location ~ \.php$ {
        fastcgi_index  index.php;
        fastcgi_param  SCRIPT_FILENAME  $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;
        include        fastcgi_params;
    location ~* \.(js|css|png|jpg|jpeg|gif|ico)(\?ver=[0-9.]+)?$ {
        expires 1y;

Setup vsftpd user default dir (CentOS)


Today, I’m sharing how to simply setup the default directory of your vsftpd user on CentOS.

1. Edit vsftpd.conf

vi /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf

2. Add the line


3. Create a dir, and change directory to the created dir

mkdir /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd_user_conf; cd /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd_user_conf/

4. Create a file with the username as filename of the vsftpd user

vi username

5. Add the line


You’re done! Once the user logs in, the file you’ve just created will be used to read as config parameter. I believe it should also work with other flavour of Linux, only the vsftpd installation are different.

(for more info just man vsftpd.conf)
